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Student Programs

CodeVA’s student programs engage kids and parents in Computer Science, while also providing a lab for teachers to test new lessons. All of our courses are arts integrated, which breaks down preconceptions about computer science and coding while fostering creative thinking.

Educator Training

CodeVA offers free professional development training to help prepare teachers and school districts for the new CS SOLs for K-12th grade. Our trainers are all current classroom teachers and use a Teach, Learn, Observe model that encourages collaboration and creativity.


CodeVA works with legislators to make CS Education a priority in Virginia, crafting and advocating policies that implement meaningful CS education standards. Providing CS literacy to all children creates opportunity and removes barriers that have traditionally prevented girls and minorities from pursuing STEM jobs.


Computer Science Education Week Launch is attended by more than 200 students each year at the Science Museum of Virginia. Full STEAM Ahead is CodeVA’s summer student outreach event. The event is focused on engaging middle school girls interested in STEM and CS fields by exploring how they integrate with the arts.